Once students have mastered alphabetic principles and beginning sounds, it’s time to introduce CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant words like cat). Finding engaging, low-prep kindergarten CVC Word activities and printables can be a challenge. So often you’ll find boring worksheets or time-consuming printables with tons of cutting, sorting, and laminating. This post is all about effectively using […]
Month: January 2022
How to Create Student Photograph Stickers
Kindergarten is such a special place for many reasons but often the most unique part of the grade level is the variety of different ability levels of the students at the start of the year. Some students come to school with lots of background knowledge and some are able to read. Others come to school […]
Simple Ideas for Valentine’s Day Activities In Kindergarten
Valentine’s Day in Kindergarten is a very exciting time. Kids love holidays and Valentine’s Day (or Valentimes Day as the kinders say) is no exception. In this post, you’ll find my favorite simple ideas for Valentine’s Day activities in Kindergarten. Ideas for Valentine’s Day Activities in Kindergarten Remember, your students will have fun no matter […]
Simple Tips for Exchanging Valentine Cards In Kindergarten
Exchanging valentine cards in kindergarten is a fun tradition but it can be time-consuming and stressful if you don’t have a good plan. Kids love to pass out their own valentines and receiving them is even more fun. However, behind every kindergarten valentine exchange is likely a stressed-out teacher. These simple tips will help your […]