3 Signs Your Kindergarten Classroom Management Needs an Overhaul


As kindergarten teachers, we all go through phases during the year when it feels like our classroom isn’t running as smoothly as we’d like. Usually, we can pinpoint a reason for the current challenges and know it won’t be long before things are back on track. But what happens if things get worse? In this post, I’m going to share some signs that can help you decide if your kindergarten classroom management needs a complete overhaul.

3 signs your kindergarten classroom management could use an overhaul

3 Signs Your Kindergarten Classroom Management Needs an Overhaul

1. You Feel Like a Broken Record

The first sign that it might be time for an overhaul is that you feel like you’re repeating yourself all day long. You’re giving the same reminders for the daily routine multiple times before students comply. You’re talking to the same students about the same negative behavior choices throughout the day. You frequently have to stop instruction to ask students to stop chatting with their neighbors or to sit appropriately at carpet time.

A teacher sits on a bench, looking at her classroom

By the end of the day, it feels like you have spent more time repeating yourself than you’ve spent teaching! This is a huge sign that your classroom management could use some changes. 

2. You Dread Coming to School Everyday

Teaching kindergarten is often overwhelming because there is just so much put on your plate each and every day. But there’s a fine line between being stressed about your job and completely dreading being in your classroom.

An exhausted teacher sits at a table and looks off into the distance

I have found that classroom management can be the tipping point for many teachers. When your classroom isn’t running smoothly and you spend your day putting out one fire after another, it can leave you feeling completely drained at the end of the day. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to refill that cup before heading back into the classroom the next day. This is when the dread can start to set up shop!

If you find yourself dreading work every day, it could be a sign that there is something in your classroom management that needs to be changed.

3. Your Students Seem Disengaged

One of the best parts of teaching kindergarten is that young children are naturally curious. They are excited to dive into learning activities. It really doesn’t take much to motivate kindergarteners to participate in classroom discussions and activities.

A teacher looks disapprovingly at students misbehaving

However, if something is amiss in your classroom management, you might start to notice a change in your students. They might be less interested in trying new things because a change in routine is met with chaos. Some of your previously-engaged students might become apathetic during carpet time discussions because their peers are constantly talking over them. Or you might get up in front of the classroom to teach and feel like you could be standing on your head and the student chatter wouldn't even skip a beat.

If you notice this with the students in your classroom, it’s a sign that it might be time to take a closer look at your classroom management. 

1) You feel like a broken record. 2) You dread coming to school every day. 3) Your students seem disengaged.

How to Overhaul Your Kindergarten Classroom Management

While it might sound involved, giving your classroom management an overhaul doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort! You don’t need a time machine in order to travel back to the first day of school. All is not lost! Let’s look at those three signs and some ways that you can address them with your classroom management.

If You Feel Like a Broken Record…

The key to repeating yourself less often is to talk less! I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s not impossible. Visual supports are such an amazing tool for limiting how much you have to repeat yourself during the school day

A picture schedule in a blue pocket chart on a bulletin board

From visual schedules to picture directions to expectation posters, visual supports are a key to effective classroom management. Incorporating these tools into your daily routine will work wonders!

If You Dread Being in Your Classroom…

When all we do as teachers is identify and deal with negative behavior, the school day can become a dreaded task. You can flip the script by making sure you’re watching for and reinforcing positive behavior throughout the day.

This is something that can seem impossible when it feels like the negative behavior takes all of your time and attention. However, when you start to reward the class for working toward a positive behavior goal, you’ll notice more of that positive behavior occurring in your classroom. You’ll also notice more of your students working hard to earn those rewards! This can go a long way in creating a positive classroom culture and helping your classroom run more smoothly so it doesn’t drain you so much.

If Your Students Are Disengaged

The two changes I mentioned above will go a long way in helping your students be more engaged in the daily learning activities. However, it’s also important to make sure you’re building relationships with your students and their parents.

An easy way to do this is to incorporate glow and grow notes in your classroom. This one simple addition to your daily routine will go a long way in keeping your students motivated and engaged in making positive choices in the classroom. It will also go a long way in supporting your efforts to build relationships with your students’ families.

Kindergarten Behavior Blueprint Course

I wanted to make it easier for you to give your classroom management an overhaul, so I put together a course specifically for kindergarten teachers. The Kindergarten Behavior Blueprint course is full of helpful tips to help you build relationships and behavior systems so that you can teach without chaos! This course also includes over $450 worth of printable classroom management resources, including those mentioned in this post.

If you’d like to take a closer look at everything included in this course, just click below to learn more about the Kindergarten Behavior Blueprint course.

Kindergarten Behavior Blueprint

More Tips for Kindergarten Classroom Management

Check out this video for even more tips to help you overhaul your classroom management!

Save These Tips for Kindergarten Classroom Management

Be sure to save this post if you’d like to come back to it later! Just add the pin below to your favorite kindergarten board on Pinterest. You’ll be able to quickly find these tips and resources when you feel like it’s time for a classroom management overhaul.

3 Signs Your Kindergarten Classroom Management Could Use an Overhaul
