What are Boom Cards and other Frequently Ask Questions about Boom Learning


In this age of distance learning, teachers are looking for easy solutions for students to use at home to practice and learn skills independently.  So what are Boom Cards ™?  Boom Cards are perfect for remote learning for students of all ages.  If you're like me you may have heard of Boom Cards before distance learning but never tried them because it was one more thing on your plate.  Now that I've been using them,  I will definitely continue to use them in centers when we return to the traditional classroom.  This blog post will cover some frequently asked questions about Boom Cards so you can see if they'd be a good fit for you, too!

What are Boom Cards ™?

What are Boom Cards title image for pinning with girl holding and iPad with rhyming boom card

Boom Cards are self-correcting digital task cards hosted at Boom Learning™.    There are decks for all different grade levels peek – high school and all different subjects! 

There are multiple-choice options, fill in the blank, sorting, and more! You can find decks to practice counting, adding, phonics, spelling, and almost anything else you can think of.  The possibilities fo Boom cards are endless! 

What makes Boom Cards™ so great?

With Boom Cards you can assign decks of cards to the whole class or to certain students which makes differentiation super simple.  If most of the class is working on blends but a few kids are still stuck on short vowels, no problem!  Just assign the decks they need to practice.

Boom cards are self-correcting.  So, your students get instant feedback.  This is great for centers or in a distance learning model where students are working by themselves. 

If you have an account, you can get access to reports about who is logged in, what decks students completed, how long it took them to complete, and their results.  There is a TON of great information in the reports section. 

What do I need to use Boom Cards™?

F for Fish Beginning Sounds Boom Cards fro Boom Learning

To use Boom Cards, you'll need an account at Boomlearning.  There are free accounts and paid accounts depending on what you would like to be able to do as a teacher.   You can give students log in information or use the fast play option to assign cards.  Using the fastplay link, you can link Boom Cards in your SeeSaw or Google Classroom accounts for your students to play (one less login for families).  Or you can choose to use the app and student login information.  

For young students, you can use pictures for passwords which keeps login a bit easier.  

What do students need to use Boom Cards™?

Students will need some kind of device and their login information or a fastplay link.  You can use Boom Cards on a Smartboard, iPad, tablet, Chromebook, laptop, or most other devices (even a phone!).

Where can I get Boom Cards?

You can get Boom Cards on the Boom Learning platform or purchase them on Teachers Pay Teachers.  There are many great FREE decks out there but there are also decks for purchase.  For most decks, you can try a free preview before you purchase to make sure you like the deck.   
Kindergarten Math and ELA boom card bundle cover
In my Teachers Pay Teacher's store, have this free deck for counting to 10.  I also have Boom Cards for Kindergarten skills in both math and ELA (especially phonics).  You can check out this money-saving bundle here.  

Do I need the Internet to play Boom Cards™?

Yes, the Boom Platform and app both require the Internet to use. 
I hope that helps to answer any questions you may have about Boom Cards™.  They are an awesome digital tool to use in the classroom!  If you are looking for more tips for Distance learning in Kindergarten?  Click here to read my top distance learning tips
