Must-do Back to School Organization Tip for Busy Teachers


Back to school time can be overwhelming for even the most experienced teachers.  Staying organized is a great way to relieve stress and feel confident about going back to school.   Back to school organization is critical to set the stage for the school year, especially for busy teachers.  Save yourself time and energy with this time-saving must-do Back to Schoool organization tip!

The best thing I ever did to improve my back to school organization, was to create student information cards.  These cards keep important student information all in one place (not online) to make life easier.  I always had parents fill the cards out at Kindergarten Orientation or Back to School Night and I kept them on a ring beside my desk for easy access.  I color-coded the cards by class to keep things visually organized, too.

Could I log in to the school's database to access the same information?  Sure, but what if the internet was down (again!) or what if I was rushing out the door at dismissal and I forgot to look up Joey's mom's number so I could call to tell her he had a nosebleed as we were getting packed up?  It was SO much more convenient to just grab my ring of information cards!  Then I had everything I needed in one place and I wasn't relying on the spotting school wifi.  I cannot tell you how many times these cards saved me time and extra hassle.
Need to make a parent phone call at the end of the day?  Grab the info cards.
Going on a field trip?  Grab the info cards.
Have a substitute?  Leave the info cards out.
These cards are an absolute must-do back to school organization tool for busy teachers!

What information should you include?

You'll need to decide what information you use on a regular basis or what information would be most beneficial for a substitute teacher.  Of course, you'll need to start with the student's name and possibly nickname.  Other things to include might be birthday, parents names and contact information, medical concerns or allergies, transportation information (bus number), when it's best to contact parents, and anything else you can imagine.

Where can I get student information cards?

I have this editable pack of Student Information Cards in my TPT store.  You can change or add your own information to the templates and cover options.
This pack includes (all editable templates):
  • 2 cover options
  • Class Roster Card
  • Medical Concerns Card
  • Student Information Card
  • Transportation Information Card
  • Photograph Permission Card
Grab your FREE editable folder cover below to keep all your forms organized and easy to send home/collect! 

