3 Simple Kindergarten Classroom Management Ideas for December


December brings unlimited amounts of excitement and energy. Thankfully there is magic at every turn and experiencing it all through the eyes of a kindergarten student is thrilling. Having a few special kindergarten classroom management ideas and strategies to use this month is the key to success.

Kindergarten Classroom Management Idea 1: Try a Whole Group Behavior Incentive

Motivating the entire class to make positive choices is a huge life-saver in Kindergarten classroom management. When kids are working together to earn a whole group reward, everyone wins!

To keep things fresh, try a new whole group behavior incentive with a familiar character. This Build-a-Gingerbread Man reward is a fun way to keep students making positive behavior decisions and to encourage teamwork.

Keep it simple – choose a behavior goal for the class. Choose a reward. Then catch students being good! You'll want to be sure to display these somewhere in the classroom where everyone can see them. This will help you to be consistent and hold students accountable.

Choosing your behavior of focus is key. It can be any behavior you've been working on. Trouble working quietly? Want to improve transitions? Is hallway behavior a mess? Pick one behavior at a time to be the focus. Then each time you catch a student displaying positive behavior, they earn a piece of the gingerbread man. When the gingerbread man is complete, they earn their reward!

Click here to get your own Build a Gingerbread Man Whole Class Reward!

Kindergarten Classroom Manangement Idea 2: Be Prepared for a Substitute

Being out sick or taking a Personal day in December can be daunting, but it's often needed. Help to keep student behavior and your classroom management on track for a substitute with these simple behavior puzzles.

Display the puzzle board where students can access it. Then each time the sub catches them being good, they earn a puzzle piece. When the puzzle is complete, they earn a reward. You can decide whether you want to give the reward when you return or have your substitute do it.

Remember your rewards don't have to cost anything – you can give 5 or 10 minutes of extra recess, show a short video, have a dance party, etc. There are lots of free ways to motivate kids!

Click here to check out a set of December themed behavior puzzles. This set comes with 6 puzzles and directions to print and leave out for a sub!

Kindergarten Classroom Management Idea 3: Prepare for Individual Students

We all have students who need some extra support to make positive behavior choices in the classroom. The idea of adding something else to our plates this time of year is just too much. But individual reward charts can go a long way to help even your most challenging students to make good choices. These behavior charts are truly ready to use. Just print and cut them out. Then you're all set.

Sometimes a sticker chart with a specific goal is all they need. Adding a winter character like a gingerbread person to the sticker chart will give a little extra motivation this time of year. This pack of seasonal stickers is perfect for sticker charts and will last you the entire school year! (Amazon Affiliate link)

Individual behavior charts don't have to be boring – these coloring charts are a fun way to help students to make positive choices. Set a goal and choose a reward. Then each time a grownup catches the student meeting their goal, they get to color space on their chart. When the chart is full, they earn their reward! You'll find the charts pictured above here.

Need more ideas for individual behavior plans? Learn about using token board for individual students here.

Keep your classroom management strategies simple and low-prep. You'll find all these kindergarten classroom management ideas and behavior tools and more in my December Tool Kit Bundle in my TPT store.

Best wishes for a magical December in kindergarten!
