Do you use sensory activities in your classroom? Do your students benefit from sensory breaks throughout the day? These sensory picture cards are the perfect way to organize your sensory activity materials, help your students to make choices, and prepare visual schedules.
Visual cues are an effective tool to assist special education (ESE) students with communication. Students with autism and behavior concerns benefit from sensory breaks. Students can use these choice cards to assist with expressing and communicating which sensory activity they would like to do. Teachers can use these picture cards to organize their classroom and assist with classroom management.
Included in this resource:
- 35 different sensory activity labels on 3 different sized cards (2.5 x 2.5 inch squares, 4 x4 inch squares, and 2.5 x 7.25 inch rectangles)
- Choice Menu Boards with 12, 9, 6, 3, and 2 choices
- Individual sensory choice board in half page and quarter page
- All labels are offered in color and printer-friendly black & white
- Included labels: ball pit, body sock, bubbles, rice, beans, finger fidget, nut & bolt, pencil fidget, platform swing, tunnel, tent, putty, rocking chair, sand, scooter, sensory tub, spiky ball, spinner, swing, trampoline, bike, weighted vest, fidget, tablet, mat, ball, climbing wall, beanbag chair (x2), music, gym, cuddle swing, sensory bin, water table, and shaving cream
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Created by © Amy Murray – Teaching Exceptional Kinders
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