Rhyming Words Digital Centers for Seesaw and Google™



Make rhyming activities fun with these ready-to-use digital center for Seesaw™ or Google™ Classroom. Your students will love finding the rhyming words that match the picture on the rainbow.

►►►Click here to save more than 20% when you purchase the St. Patrick's Day Digital Center Bundle!

In the activity, students will move the picture that rhymes with the word the rainbow asks for on each slide. It also includes 20 printable task cards.

This resource is a set of 20 printable task cards AND links to a preloaded activity for Seesaw™ and Google™ Slides.

What's included?

  • A PDF with a link to preloaded Seesaw™ activity (20 total questions, 4 per vowel)
  • Link to a Google™ Slide activity with directions for assigning in Google™ Classroom
  • 1 set of printable task cards (20 task cards total)

What do you need for the Seesaw Activity?

  • You will need a classroom account on Seesaw. You can set up a free account. Then you can assign activities for your students to access and complete digitally.
  • Your students will need access to the Seesaw App or website on a device or tablet.

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★★★★★ Please leave feedback for this product. Your comments are appreciated and you earn TPT credits toward a future purchase! ★★★★★

➜ Please contact me with any questions or concerns at TeachingExceptionalKinders@gmail.com.

© Amy Murray – Teaching Exceptional Kinders


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