Glow and grow notes are a fun and positive way to improve your classroom management with behavior notes to send to parents. Effectively communicate with parents and families with these simple behavior notes to send home to parents. Edit the notes to add your own behaviors and consequences to make it work best for your classroom.
►►►These notes are included in the Glow & Grow Notes Bundle! Click here to save!
Students will love taking home glow notes to brag to their parents and parents will appreciate the positive language of the grow notes when they are notified about negative behavior choices. The positive language of these notes works perfectly with PBIS ideas.
These behavior notes are the perfect addition to your classroom management strategies. Each note template has cute seasonal kid clip art. There are 10 half-page note templates including kids with backpacks for back to school, kids holding pumpkins for fall, winter kids, kids holding flowers for spring, and kids in swimsuits for summer. Just edit, print and you are ready to communicate behaviors for the whole school year.
Included in this resource:
- a PDF of ready to use glow and grow notes
- 5 grow note editable templates (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, & Backpacks)
- 5 glow note editable templates (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, & Backpacks)
Find more glow & grow note options here:
- Behavior Notes to Send Home
- Fun Clipart Glow & Grow Notes
- Picture Glow & Grow Notes
- Super Kids Glow & Grow Notes
- Mascots Glow & Grow Notes
►You will need PowerPoint to edit this resource. Please see the preview to see what you are able to edit. The clip art is NOT editable.
→ You can contact me with any questions or concerns at
Created by © Amy Murray – Teaching Exceptional Kinders
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