Imagine getting to teach a small group lesson and looking up to see your students actively engaged in their centers. No one is interrupting you asking how to log in and no one is whining that they don't want to do those boring centers. Sounds like heaven, right?
Exceptionally Easy Digital Centers can make that happen for you all for less than $1 per activity each month!
You'll get new ready-to-use Digital Centers for the Seesaw™ platform and visual supports to use with your kindergarten students whether in person, hybrid or virtual.
Save 20% when you sign up for a year of digital centers- offer ends March 12th!
Predictable and fun digital centers are great tools to use to practice foundational skills with both in person and virtual kindergarten students.
Seesaw™ is an awesome platform but making fun, engaging resources is time consuming. And let's be honest- who has extra time?
The best part? They won't take you any extra time! It's as easy as clicking save & assign!
You are desperately searching for consistency. But plans and expectations change at a moment's notice. You feel like you are always scrambling to find work to assign to your students.
Exceptionally Easy Digital Centers is a monthly membership that provides kindergarten teachers with 7 ready-to-use, digital centers (digital activities for the Seesaw™ platform) per month!
Founding Member Benefits: Lock-in low introductory price and you'll be able request skills you want to see included
Right now, you're in the thick of a crazy school year trying to keep all the balls in the air. Things keep changing at a moment's notice.
All of the transitions can be difficult and time consuming. Using digital centers can keep your expectations consistent and stream-lined for your students and their parents.
Easy Digital Centers gives you monthly center activities that you can use with your students no matter what your teaching situation may be.
Each month you'll get 3 Math activities, 3 Phonics activities and 1 writing activity or fun project.
March centers include: Teen numbers, adding to sums of 5, and representing numbers to 20, spelling CVC words, reading CVC words, rhyming words, and an “I am lucky” writing project.
Hi, I'm Amy Murray. I'm a former kindergarten teacher with more than 12 years of classroom experience turned teacher-author. I blog at I love creating engaging and adorable activities that kindergarten students love to use. I also love to help teachers to save precious time so they can spend more time doing what makes them happy outside of the classroom.
I've been in your shoes and I know how difficult it can be to find fun, engaging digital centers that students actually want to complete. I know how difficult it is to have students log-in to apps independently. That's why I created visuals you can print and use to help your students to be independent at center time!
One of the biggest challenges teachers face is finding the time to plan and create activities for their students.
These digital centers are preloaded with directions, examples, and more! All you need to do is click save and assign them to you class.
10 Kindergarten Digital Centers (for Seesaw™) that will always available.
7 Kindergatren digital activities for Seesaw™ will be added each month.
Visual tools to help your students to independently navigate the Seesaw™ Platform.
Easy-to-follow directions for assigning and using the digital centers are included, too!
Save yourself time and sanity, today!
Get 7 easy-to-assign digital centers for Seesaw™ every month for less than a dollar per activity!
Exceptionally Easy Digital Centers is a monthly membership for Kindergarten teachers. Each month, teachers will receive 7 digital activities to use on Seesaw™.
When you sign up, you'll get access to the member's only page. Here you'll find a PDF with 7 digital centers, a PDF with links to 10 forever digital centers, and a PDF with visuals to support your students navigating the Seesaw™ platform.
Each month you will be charged a monthly membership fee and you will receive the set of 7 monthly digital centers will be replaced with 7 new digital centers.
These digital activities were designed for kindergarten students. They cover kindergarten skills. If you need activities for intervention with first graders or enrichment activities for prek, these may work for you.
You will need a classroom Seesaw™ account. You can use these centers with a free or paid account.
You get more options in a paid account, but you can certainly access and assign the digital centers with a free account.
No. This membership gives teachers links to pre-loaded activities to use the Seesaw™ platform.
Yes – there is a link to a Google Form so that founding members can make requests for specific skills they would like to see included in Digital Centers. MY goal is to make activities your students need.
You'll pay $6.99 per month. You can cancel at anytime.
If you sign up before March 12th, you'll have the option to sign up for an entire year to save 20% off the monthly fee.
Due to the digital nature of this course, there will be no refunds after purchase. However, you may cancel your membership at anytime.
Once enrolled you’ll receive information from us on how best to contact me via email at
1. Click the sign up now button to join the Exceptionally Easy Digital Centers Membership.
2. You'll set up an account and get your login information.
3. Log-in to access the member's only content. You'll find PDF downloads with links to access preloaded digital centers for Seesaw.
Each month a new set of centers will be added and the previous month will be removed. There are 10 forever centers and a set of visuals that will always be available.
Check planning digital centers off your to-do list – join today!